Sunday, January 3, 2010

She said that...

She said that the thing to do was to get off your butt and just start. The girl was sipping her coke and not really listening. I think the girl was only hearing blah blah blah blah blah. The older woman, I guess she was the mom looked so sad and upset and clearly blocked in the conversation. They were both sad. Food needs to come to this table now.
Within minutes, long silent minutes, a waitress came to deliver the meal. This was not the same girl who took the order, thought the mother person. The girl looked up in recognition at the waitress who was all smiles with bright blue eyes, sandy brown hair pulled back off of her face, a delicate sparkling nose ornament, many earings and tattoos of stars on her wrists. They knew each other from grade school, middle school, high school and beyond. They were not friends, were not enemies, but remained respectfully aware of each other for all these years in little Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Today at the mall in the Italian restaurant filled with smells of garlic and olive oil, the cheerful chatter of patrons, the tinkling of ice in glasses, and the warm smell from the wood fired hearth, was River serving Jessy and her mom their lunch, two chicken ceasar salads. From my little table I could feel the change that was about to enter the lives of these three women in a little place in New Jersey. Perhaps it was all that the three had been waiting for now suddenly becoming a possibility.

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